Anniversaries, be it a birthday, the end of the year or whatever, generally lead one to reflect.
This case would not be the exception, what is the anniversary, less than a month ago i completed one year in my current company (Pomelo), August 29, 2022 the promotions in the company were made public, I am part of the people who were promoted, I wanted to write some conclusions that I have drawn from these 365 days, two teams and a promotion.
Those who know me whether in my work or in my personal life, hear me talk about three principles with which I try to mobilize myself and i search around me:
- Trust
- Humility
- Respect
I will try to explain what this pillar means to me.
In one of my first publications where I talk about mistakes and learnings, I talk about the fact that moving up should not be the only or main goal, there are much, much more important things and confidence is one of them.
Ok luispi, but what does that have to do with trust?, here we go.
My first approach to Pomelo was through Maru, we already knew each other, Maru was the one who did the hiring process when I joined MercadoLibre, then we were close to meet again in Naranja X, but the impasse served well to meet again professionally in Pomelo, I tell this precisely because of the term of trust.
Do you think Maru would have trusted me not just once, but twice, I don’t think so, she is an absolutely admirable person in building technology teams, and that trust we have in each other makes her trust me again and again and call me back:
- Maru trusts me again and again and calls me back.
- On my side, I take that trust and build (or try to build) the best possible work context.
Meeting and mismatching
In the more than 365 days that I have been in Pomelo I worked almost half of the time in the Processor team, I met again with familiar faces and met some new ones, I will name them, first the anecdote.
I was at the Processor for a little more than 5 months, we reached the milestone (madness) of having the processor up and running and then in mid-January 2022 I moved to the infra team. Here two pillars were played, trust and respect, why I say this, the guys knew where I wanted to direct my career and supported me 100%.
However, 7 months later they showed me that they are people in which I will trust infinitely beyond Pomelo, these people are: Brizi, Dami and Nico, I will not tell the details they know what I mean, but I wanted to thank them publicly ❤️.
With you, to the war with a toothpick
I talked about my first stage in Pomelo, let’s move on to the second, “Migration to the Infrastructure team”.
From January to this part and from minute zero Juanjo and Gus and knowing me, I would say nothing, gave me the space to create a space for debates and cross-examination. They listened to my proposals, made them their own, and together we carried them forward, they made parts of theirs I took them as my own and so surrounded by a pile of people with a human quality of another planet we did and we are doing incredible things.
What is the point of all this, that getting promoted is not the main or only goal, building trust around you is countless times more important and is, at least in the values I pursue and seek, infinitely superior to any position we hold or obtain. any position we hold or obtain.
For now I do not want to bore or extend, soon I will write about the other two pillars that I feel indispensable to walk through life, humility and respect.